Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013


Wohooo~ time does fly fast and it's two years already!
Please tell to the world that he's back!
The Space Big Star Kim Heechul is coming home!!

 Heenim salute~ welcome back my soldier!
[cr: JerrySama | v: heechulfacts]

Well done, u did it well, oppa~
Once again welcome back and i love u as always!
[cr: Osen | v: NkSubs]

Btw, is Heenim really carrying a moldir bag?
Somebody please confirm it soon...
i'm CassiELF after all! XD
[cr: Osen | v: @TVXQkokoro]

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013



Huwaaah, blognya udah hampir lumutan saking udah lama nggak mampir kesini. Hehehe...

Btw biarpun telat tetep mau ngucapin selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1434 H buat temen-temen dan semua yang mungkin sempat mampir ke sini. Mohon maaf lahir bathin kalo ada tulisan atau postingan yang tanpa sengaja membuat sakit hati. hihihi~

Mudah-mudahan secepetnya bisa dapet inspirasi buat nge-blog lagi. 

Btw lagi suka-sukanya maen instagram nih.
Find me @yunie_s
Follow-follow-an yuks. hehehe~